We create content- generative digital people based on AIGC technology, powering your projects through ads Tech and live-stream marketing.
Cultivation, we own top marketing team and rich industry resources.We offer dedicated marketing and PR services for crypto projects on Tiktok with matrix AI anchors.
Based on AIGC technology, we do marketing with hundreds of images and languages.Tiktok have the potential to access more new players continuously.
Various forms of promotion can reach to end-users directly.World First Digital Media Advertising Platform.Well-rounded AIGC marketing services for crypto projects on Tiktok .
In the first half of 2022, Southeast Asia will open up cross-border e-commerce, leading new cross-border growth. The average monthly GMV compound growth rate for the whole year is nearly 90%.
Seizing this opportunity, by 2035, the scale of the digital human market will develop into the digital human economy, becoming a market worth US$125 billion and continuing to grow.
Enterprise Dynamics
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AI 数字人正以各种职业身份渗透到各个行业,成为未来虚实融合世界的基本构成。企业级服务型数字人将会是主赛道,演艺型数字人也会是热门领域。到 2035 年,数字人市场化规模将会进化为数字人经济,成为一个价值 1250 亿美元的市场并持续增长。